Stack Overflow for Teams Homepage (SAAS)

Picture this: A SAAS product without a homepage. No home for new users to learn and become active users. No home for existing users to view and take actions on content that aligns to their expertise. Users were lost in a sea of irrelevant posts, newbies were dropping like flies, and our existing users were waving goodbye (and our customer retention numbers told us so).
Our Solution…..
Case StudyConnectivity: How does knowledge flow at enterprises

Teams is where collaboration happens. Where members of different departments can find & provide answers quickly and share knowledge.
Although we know the above statement to be true through qualitative research and anecdotal case studies, the vibrant story behind how Teams adds value and impact to our customers through cross-department collaboration has yet to be demonstrated to our customers in product.
“The immediate story that it told us, right after we made it go live, was that we were already breaking down the walls between our domains in terms of communication.”
Through Connectivity we will bring these “aha” impactful moments to all of our business and enterprise customers..
Case Study